A friend of mind was considering canceling an event for a good cause because of the COVID-19. I made a suggestion to not cancel, and do it differently. I suggested to move it online by using videos, pictures and their website to host the event. Attendees could still "attend" and buy their tickets. That made me think...we can all try to do that!
If you own a small business, run an activity studio, provide a service, or {fill in the blank}, don’t lose all hope, just change the way you do it. Whether through this coronavirus epidemic or when things all settle down, online is the way to go.
Here's some ideas I had, maybe it could help you...
If you own a brick and mortar store, host a Facebook and Instagram Live showcasing your products and take orders online or over the phone.
If you own a gym, a fitness studio or you’re a personal trainer, host a online class. YouTube has ability to have private link you can share with your customers. Some website platforms have this capability too.
If you’re a service provider, you can still provide your services online with virtual meetings, email and file sharing services like Dropbox or Google Drive.
Whatever you’re offering and feel overwhelmed by all the news, stop thinking about what you can’t do and think about what you CAN do.
Get creative on how you can reach out to your customers virtually. Need some more ideas specific to what you’re offering, please reach out, I’d love to help you!
Talk to ya soon!