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Wix Website Template by Sam DeLeon.png


Unique website templates are easy to use and will help you stand out from the crowd. We recommend refilling that cup of joe, cranking up your favorite tunes, and diving in to really make your online presence unique to you.

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Wix is an incredible tool for creating websites, but it can be tricky to make their base templates ‘your own’ and stand out from all the other websites out there. This is why I’ve created a collection of designs that are easy to customize.


The designs are user friendly, designed to be strategic for your brand or business, and are transferred directly to your Wix account so you can start customizing and launch quickly.

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Choose Your Template

Browse my ready-to-customize designs and pick the one that has the most potential for your brand!




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Customize Your Site

There's NO coding involved. And the creativity work has already been done for you!  With some guidance and tips from me to begin DIYing your site, all you need is a few hours and fresh cup of coffee!  

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Get Your Template

After purchase, you’ll get immediate access to tutorials that will help you prep for your site. Your website will be transferred over to your Wix account from little as 48 hours.


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Publish your site and celebrate! You now have a website that you can be proud of!

4 Easy Steps To Build Your New Website

Got Questions?  See the FAQs below or feel free to contact me.

Still Can't Decide?

Here are some options to help you if you're on the fence.  


You have the time, maybe not the budget.

You want the custom look, but don't have the budget (yet).  But you do have the time to dedicate to do the work and some experience with design platforms. This template route is for you!


Restyle A Website Template

Love my website templates, but need help getting your website customized to meet your brand setup and launched?  This is perfect for you then!




You want to DIY, just need a little help.

After you're done customizing, book a 2-hour consultation session with me to perfect your site and answer any final questions before you go live. I'll also do a run through on your site to make sure it's ready to go.


Completely Custom Website

I will build you a site from the ground up. Consider it a blank canvas where your vision can freely unfold. We’ll uncover the big goals for your website and determine how to make those a reality.


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Concrete Wall

Your old website is already jealous!

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Sam DeLeon

Encourager. Friend. Photographer. Creative Designer.

Let's see the beautiful in life and learn from the hard stuff to move us forward.

Photography services serving the areas of El Dorado Hills, Folsom, Granite Bay and surrounding areas.   Design services including website design and marketing material designs, available worldwide. 


Phone: 916-293-6514 | Email:

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